Pay Per Call and Facebook Ads: How to Maximize Affiliate Profits
Pay per call is making quite a name for itself in the world of online performance-based marketing, while also making a lot of people a lot of money in the process. Attend any internet marketing trade show or affiliate conference and you will find more publishers looking for PPC offers and plenty of ad networks looking to push more volume and bring on new clients.
Just like how businesses and brands generate leads through traditional affiliate marketing methods, pay per call acts in quite a similar way, except that it’s all about getting the end user on the phone and completing the sale or lead process at a much faster rate.
If you are completely new to the concept of pay per call, don’t worry… we are still in the early stages of its success and there is still plenty of money to be made. To learn more about pay per call and how to get started, be sure to read our complete guide for affiliate marketers and publishers.
For anyone that is already familiar with pay per call and is looking to scale their earnings even further, look no further as you are in the right place.
In this article, we will be focusing on the power of paid advertising and the many different targeting options available through Facebook Ads. Through this single platform and advertising solution, anyone can increase their volume, earnings and lead quality for pay per call campaigns.

The Power of Facebook Ads and Pay Per Call Marketing
Facebook has completely changed the way people use social media to connect and engage with others, while also changing how brands and businesses connect with their audiences as well. And thanks to the power of Facebook Ads and their self-serve advertising platform, pay per call targeting, optimization and marketing has never been easier.
To get the most out of your PPC ad campaigns, be sure to focus on the following key areas.
Location, Location, Location!
One of the most effective advertising features offered by Facebook Ads, is the ability to target audiences by location (country, region or city). Best of all, this can also be done for audiences and users who are already associated with your brand and followers of your pages. For even more precise and narrow searches, targeting by mile radius and nearby physical locations are also possible.
With pay per call offers usually targeting a small demographic or geographic audience, this can prove extremely useful and effective. And even if your campaign is nationwide, marketers should create and split test their ad campaigns with geographic ad copy and landing pages to increase conversions.
When it comes to targeting different audiences on Facebook, you have four different options to choose from.
- Everyone in a location
- People who live in a location
- People recently in a location
- People traveling in a location
To learn more about each of these location targeting options, simply view the detailed description within your Facebook Ads account manager.

Split Testing with Unique Ad Copy and Targeting
Not only does Facebook Ads make targeting by geographic location easy, it also provides a whole world of demographic and personal information related to targeting as well.
For example, from within your Facebook Ads account, you can target on the following options:
- Age
- Gender
- Relationship Status
- Education Level
- Job Title
These in themselves are extremely valuable, but when you start to play around with custom landing pages and ad copies for each of these, while also using pay per call marketing–the opportunities for growth, scaling and revenue are limitless.
For example, if you have a pay per call offer that is targeted towards individuals making $50,000+ per year, live in a specific state, are in between in the ages of 34-49 and also have a college degree… you can create a custom landing page calling out all of these elements, while also targeting that exact demographic audience.
By creating such campaigns and landing pages, conversions would likely be much higher on each individual group test versus going after general audiences. If someone sees such an ad and campaign and then finds they meet all of these requirements, they would be much more likely to act on the offer.
When doing so, also make sure you are split testing with different pay per call tracking numbers so you can compare earnings per call and engagement numbers by ad group.
Facebook Ads is a Pay Per Call Marketer’s Dream Come True
To find success with pay per call, it’s all about finding that right audience and getting them to act an on offer they need right now. This is where the “call” part of the process is key and heavily influences the conversion and success rate.
By actively advertising and running new ad campaigns through Facebook Ads, it allows for a much better targeting process, on both a demographic and geographic basis.
The better you are with your targeting and creating custom ad copy and landing pages, the more likely you are to find success and long term growth with PPC.
To learn more about pay per call marketing or to get access to some of the hottest PPC offers online, be sure to join our network today.
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