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You’re Leaving Money On The Table If You’re Not Paying Attention To Pay Per Call Marketing

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Pay per call is impacting businesses for the better.

In 2017, more people searched for services from mobile devices than from desktop computers. In other words, growth in pay per call ads is driven mostly by mobile usage.

While other content marketing strategies require a significant amount of time to generate results, pay per call marketing can yield results almost immediately. Regardless of your business size or location, pay per call marketing can help you reach your intended audience on time and budget.

Pay per call marketing allows advertisers to reach consumers who are ready to buy immediately. There is no better way to generate auto insurance leads than pay per call marketing.

Any business who willfully neglects pay per call marketing will be left behind.  As an insurance agent, it’s imperative that you embrace and include pay per call in your digital marketing strategy.

Here are few tips to help you make the most of Pay per call marketing:

Embrace Technology

Investing in tools that can help customers find what they need quickly, can mean the difference between keeping your customers happy or losing them to competitors.

Whether it’s using customer relationship management software to enhance your customer’s experience or becoming active on social media, incorporating technology into your business process will help you understand your customers and their needs.

Follow Up With Prospects

The sales process has changed dramatically over the past decade. More and more customers are spending a significant amount of time on the Internet, researching companies, reading reviews and talking to other customers to determine the right products and services.

Personalized follow-up is the key to successful pay per call marketing. The first phone call is critical to getting the conversation started but follow up call is where the real magic happens.

Providing personalized follow-up service will help you make the most of pay per call leads.


Cross-selling is the lifeblood of the insurance business model. Many businesses rely on cross-selling to match their clients with desirable products.

Cross-selling is the practice of selling multiple products to existing customers. The idea behind cross-selling is that selling various products to a client will make it harder for him/her to buy from competitors.

Incorporating cross-selling to your marketing strategy will increase your profits dramatically.

In conclusion, you can power your insurance sales with Pay Per Call marketing. Follow the tips above, and you will maximize your chance for success. For a free consultation on how you can grow your business email us at

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